The Development of Empowering Methodologies in Management Research Project is a partnership between The Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi and The Open University Business School.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Empowering Online Course

As part of the project we are designing an online course which will be hosted at the Open University on a platform called OpenLearn Create. Emma and Tim have designed the structure of the course are now writing the content. It will contain 9 sections, including theory on Qualitative Research and Empowering Methodologies. We will offer written material as well as video lectures Emma and Tim filmed last year and video clips from the Project's Conference. Our speakers were kind enough to allow us to film their presentations. 

We are also including vignettes with practical examples on how to carry out Empowering research. Actually at the moment I am going through the material our Indian students collected during their fieldwork at the beginning of this year. They brought their data back in May for the Project's conference. I am selecting the best audio-visual material as well as research diary excerpts to showcase and explain how to carry out Empowering Methodologies.

More soon.